Invisalign teeth straightening treatment is a fantastic orthodontic system for patients seeking a beautiful, straight smile without bulky and conspicuous metal braces. While using this “brace-free” orthodontic system, you’ll eat normally, maintain your oral health, and achieve your smile goals faster than you think. As a certified Invisalign provider in South Huntington, New York, All City Cosmetic Dental Care proudly offers comfortable and convenient teeth straightening. Call us today to find out what Dr. Boris Yusupov can do for your smile.
Crooked teeth can undoubtedly affect the aesthetics of your smile, making you less confident when showing your pearly whites. Unfortunately, a misaligned smile isn’t all about cosmetics only. Crooked teeth are difficult to clean, putting you at risk of cavities, gum disease, and bad breath. Moreover, teeth not in line mess up your bite, leading to uneven tooth wear and health complications such as bruxism and TMJ disorder (TMD).
The good news is that achieving a straight smile is always within reach, regardless of age. With the Invisalign system, you can achieve your dream smile without the hassle of traditional braces.
Invisalign uses sleek, comfortable, and removable aligners to provide a straight, beautiful smile in less than one and a half years and sometimes within months. But like many orthodontic treatments, the first step towards a straight smile with Invisalign is scheduling an appointment with a certified dentist. During this consultation, Dr. Yusupov evaluates your teeth, bite, and overall oral health to determine your eligibility for Invisalign.
Invisalign treatment starts with a digital scan of your teeth to create a 3D rendering of your mouth. Then, using Invisalign technology, we can predict when and how your teeth will move until you complete treatment. No guesswork! Invisalign technology helps us to forecast your treatment timeline and final smile outcome confidently.
Once aligned with your treatment, we order a set of aligners from our Invisalign lab. Typically, you need 18-30 aligners, but they can be more or less depending on your orthodontic case. Although your aligners are removable, you should wear them 20-22 hours daily, only taking them out when eating, cleaning teeth, or during important events.
Invisalign aligners may be discreet, but they “quietly” address numerous orthodontic issues, including bite problems and gapped, crooked, and overcrowded teeth.
Clear aligners are versatile, offering countless other benefits, including:
Patients who never got the chance to straighten their teeth in their childhood can now achieve a perfectly aligned smile without obtrusive metal braces. Thanks to Invisalign, you can straighten your teeth with minimal interruptions to your everyday life without looking awkward with a metal mouth and without others noticing you are undergoing orthodontic treatment.
You could wonder what it would have been like if you had otherwise healthy and perfect teeth but with a few misaligned teeth. Good news! You don’t have to keep imagining. With Invisalign from All City Cosmetic Dental Care, you can achieve your dream smile comfortably and conveniently. Get started with Invisalign aligners today by calling (631) 352-2330.